Sprouting Seeds Non-GMO Organic Mung Beans 8 oz
Sprouting Seeds Non-GMO Organic Mung Beans 8 oz
Sprouting Seeds Non-GMO Organic Mung Beans 8 Oz Pouch
Product Weight 8 oz.
3-7 Days. Vigna radiata. Organic. Sprouting. High Germination. Non-GMO Organic Mung Bean sprouting seeds grow one of the most delicious and nearly universal varieties of sprouts available. Dense with essential protein, fiber, iron, and plenty of B vitamins, Organic Mung Beans are a vital part of our Organic Protein Powerhouse Mix and Organic Bean Salad Mix. Organic Mung Bean sprouts are a low-calorie, nutrient-rich snack ideal for many diets and weight loss goals.
Distributed by True Leaf Market
Growing Non-GMO Organic Mung Bean Sprouting Seeds
Using either a seed sprouting jar, sprouting tray, terra cotta sprouter, or hemp sprout bag, add about ¼ cup mung bean sprout seeds to your container and allow seeds for an initial soak of 4-6 hours. After initial soaking, continue to rinse mung bean sprouting seeds 2-3x per day and immediately drain, not allowing water to sit and soak. Rinse seeds 2-3x per day for 4-6 days, keeping Organic mungbean sprouts fresh, crunchy, and hydrated without waterlogging. Non-GMO mung bean sprouts are quick to harvest in 3-7 days, ready for fresh use with a thick and crunchy mild flavor that pairs well with nearly anything and only about 30 calories per cup. Mungbean sprouts, often simply known as "bean sprouts", are one of the most popular sprouts in the world along with alfalfa sprouts. Fresh bean sprouts are available in most restaurants, delis, bistros, and grocery stores.
More Than A Sprouting Seed
Vigna radiata, simply known as mungbean, is also known throughout the world by a variety of names including "gram", "maash", and "moong". Domesticated to much of eastern Asia and the Indian subcontinent, the mung bean is a traditional staple used as both a sweet and savory component to entrees and desserts in Chinese, Filipino, and Indian cuisines. Organic mung bean seeds mature into a legume cover crop that makes an ideal seasonal cover crop and companion plant known to replenish depleted soils of essential nitrogen and weed suppression, while also being popularly mowed down and tilled back into the soil as an Organic and all-natural "green manure" to supplement spring soils ready for sowing.
8 oz Package - Approximately 5,000 Seeds
True Leaf